
The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn
The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn

We meet men who are trying to cope with the injuries and disabilities they’ve been left with, and the women who are trying to understand and to help them, as well as coming to terms with the loss of all the husbands, brothers, sons and fathers who never came home. After the war is over we see how the world has become a very different place. So many different aspects of World War I are covered over the course of the novel, though with the story being told from Clarissa’s perspective the focus is on the effects of the war on British society and on the people left at home while their loved ones are away fighting.

The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn

Then suddenly everything changes: Britain is at war and Clarissa’s whole world is altered forever. The two soon fall in love but their romance is in trouble from the start, as they both know that Clarissa’s parents will never allow her to marry the son of a servant. It’s also the summer when Clarissa meets Tom Cuthbert, the housekeeper’s son who is home from university.

The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn

For Clarissa, her brothers and their friends, it’s a summer of parties, tennis games, walking by the lake, playing croquet, and having a good time.

The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn

In the summer of 1914, Clarissa Granville is almost seventeen years old and lives at Deyning Park, her family’s country estate.

The Last Summer by Judith Kinghorn